- How Many Gods do we Have?
- The Knots in the Intellect
- Meditation on Aum
- The Nature of Jiva
- Vidyaranya on Neutralizing the Mind and Vasana-s
- Sanskrit Sites
- Advaita in Practice – 2. nitya karma,
- Gurupurnima with Swami Tattvavidananda
- Advaita in Practice 1- Brahman with Form
- Material and Efficient Cause
- Facets of Advaita
- Welcome Back
- A Poem in Praise of Advaita
- Gita on Human Nature
- An Advaita Tale from BhAgavatam
- Some Thoughts on Devotion and Knowledge
- A Glimpse of Shankara's Personality
- The Colors of mAyA
- Advaita and Personal Morality
- Looking Out Through the Pot of Holes
- Fearlessness in Vedanta and Fear of Vedanta
- Regaining Innocence
- Shastra and the Teacher-A Few More Thoughts
- Of Gender and Vedanta
- Do the Gods Obstruct Brahmavidya?
- Rupert Murdoch's Experiments with Truth
- Satyam j~nAnam anantam Brahma, an Exposition by Shankara