
Weekend with Wisdom: Liberation as per Bhartrihari’s Vairagya Shatakam – 01 by Dr. Aravinda Rao

#Advaita #Vedanta #Moksha #WeekendwithWisdom
#NonDualism #Hinduism
The highest human goal in sanatana dharma is moksha, liberation from all individual limitations. That is attainable only when a person rises above all attachments and identifications. How can a person attain such detachment and dispassion? In his Vairagya shatakam Bhartrihari follows the method adopted by Vedanta to develop dispassion. He analyzes the pleasures of the world and shows their ephemeral nature and futility. Equipped with this as one wing and knowledge of scriptures as the other wing, the seeker flies up and reaches the top of the mansion named liberation.

This talk is being organized under our ‘Weekend with Wisdom’ segment.